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Buy it now items disappear from inventory "RECENT POST May 2024"

Buy it now items disappear from inventory. It's the oddest thing but it has been going on awhile. I'm a one man show, and I keep 150 to 350 items online as im able to keep up with the customers' demands. About twice a yr I'll do inventory and find that 25 to 35% of my items I think are online, simply not . Back in the day BUY it now had time limits you could choose from. 7days, 30 days or until sold. but now I think UNTIL SOLD is all there is and it would be a good thing f I did not have this issue. 

 I've been at this since 2012 and had 3 stores over this time so I'm not new at this but I do not know it all either by far. An Answerer will be a Huge help CHEERS JOE

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Buy it now items disappear from inventory "RECENT POST May 2024"

If your item does not have any sales in a year, eBay may remove it.  I've had the same thing happen.  


It is frustrating.  Just be sure to keep note of when you listed and if it hasn't sold in a year, you may need to end and relist.

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Buy it now items disappear from inventory "RECENT POST May 2024"

If I end and sell similar 200 items 2 -5 will get lost and disappear. That has been happening for as long as I've been selling. 

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Buy it now items disappear from inventory "RECENT POST May 2024"

At one point Ebay was going to remove stale listings that were 18 months or older, but sellers really got upset by that and as far as I know, Ebay stopped doing that a few years ago.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Buy it now items disappear from inventory "RECENT POST May 2024"

@selsa84 wrote:

If I end and sell similar 200 items 2 -5 will get lost and disappear. That has been happening for as long as I've been selling. 

Why do you do that?  Just use your Bulk Editor and change something on all the listings.  That will cause them to re-index in the next 24-48 hours.  You don't need to close them and then sell similar.


I change my handling time between 1 and 2 days.  I just bulk edit all my listings at once and change the handling time.  Then in a couple weeks or so I'll do it again.  I just go back and forth between 1 and 2 days.  So much easier than doing sell similars and it serves the same purpose.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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